Palaya sri padmanabha
Ragam: Mukhari | Thalam: Misra Chapu |
Arohanam:S R2 M1 P N2 D2 S
Avarohanam: S N2 D1 P M1 G2 R2 S
pAlaya shrI padmanAbha pAlitalOka
bAlacandra madahara bhAlashObhi mrgamada
caraam 1
uttama puruSa vibhO cittaja janaka shaurE vittaputra kaLatrEhA yattajana duravApa
caranam 2
dant rAja tApahara bandhura rAjIvAruNAdhara sindhu sutAkarAmbuja santata lALita pAda
caranam 3
dEva munigaNAmEyam tAvakIna mahimAnam jIvalOkE kOvAstOtum kEvalam nipuNayatE
Protect me Oh Sri Padmanabha! The one who protects the world!
One whose forehead is adorned with musk excels the pride of the crescent moon!
Oh, the best of the lords! The creator of Cupid! Saure! Oh, the one who removes the afflictions of having wealth, wife and sons, and others.
One who dispelled the afflictions of the king elephant; whose lips are red as the lovely lotus; one whose legs are always caressed by Sri Lakhsmi!
One who is immeasurable even to the celestials. sages and demi-gods, who else is there in this living world capable of praising you?