Ragam: Kambhoji | Thalam: Adi |
Arohanam:S R2 G3 M1 P D2 S
Avarohanam: S N2 D2 P M1 G3 R2 S N3 P D2 S
nAma sudhAmayi piba mama rasanE!
caranam 1
yAmiha pibatA sAdhu kulEna triptiravApta nO bhuvanE
caranam 2
yadi hari nAma parAtvamivahaikA bhavati yamAnnahi bhayamapi svapnE
caranam 3
sarasijanAbha! vibhO! nArAyaNa mAdhavEti nigada sukhEapi ca kadanE
Oh, my tongue! Do taste the nectarine glory of the lord's name.
Indeed, drinking the nectarine glory of the lord's name does not satisfy any of the virtuous people.
If you delight tasting the nectar of Harinama, you need not have to fear death even in your dream.
Recite the name of Lord Sarasanabha, Narayana, Madhava whether in misery or joy.