JagadIsa srIjane

Ragam: Suddha Saveri Thalam: Tisra Triputa

Arohanam:S R2 M1 P D2 S
Avarohanam: S D2 P M1 R2 S

jagadIsha shrIjanE jalajAyatEkSaNa dEva

vigata shamala mAm pAhi vihaga vara ratha padmanAbha

(ciTTasvara sAhitya)
sura parivrDha sEvita vara guNa ripu vimathana
nata varadAd-bhuta bhujabalamuni gaNanuta
giridhara murahara krpAlaya bhavAArthi hara

pApajAtam vAraya

1: shaurE srI vrndAvana bhuvi krta shubha viharaNa mama
2 jagatritaya bhayankara kanaka kashipudalana kanaka nibhavAsana mama
3 pApa shamana gOpI mAnasa sarOja dinakara sunAsha mrdula hAsa
jita kalAnidhE padapayOjamita  nikhilalOka jaya mama

pApajAtam vAraya bahujanmArjitam tApahara
mannAtha tapanahimakaranEtra SaurE


Oh the lord of the universe!  Consort of Lakshmi! Oh Lord, having long eyes like lotus petals!
One who dissolves the blemishes; the one who mounts the esteemed bird-Garuda, oh Padmanabha! Protect me.
The chief of the celestials and the virtuous one;  the vanquisher of enemies; one who is marvelous in bestowing boons;  having strong hands; worshiped by the host of sages; beholder of the mountain; destroyer of the demon Mura; compassionate and dispeller of the miseries of the world. 
Eliminate the mass of sins!
Oh, Saure! one who does auspicious deeds in Brindavana.
To protect the three worlds, one who vanquished the dreadful Hiranyakasipu; You are draped in golden attire.
One who subdues the sins; one who is the sun to the lotus heart of the Gopis- the cowherd's maidens;  having beautiful nose, gentle smile, one who surpasses the moon in beauty; having lotus-like face and protects the entire world.
Eliminate the mass of sins that I had done in various births; one who emoves the miseries. Oh my Lord! one whose eyes are the sun & moon! Oh Saure!