Bajat murali
Ragam: Sindu Bhairavi |
Thalam: Ek Tal/Bilandi |
Arohanam:S R2 G2 M1 P D2 N2 S
Avarohanam: S N2 D1 P M1 G2 R2 S
bAjat murali murAri sundar jamunA kinArE rAsrang gvAl bAl sang madan pyArE
antar 1
timk bhAl prEmajAl lasat jaisE candrabAl savarO dayavishAl muktamAl dhArE
antar 2
dEva banda pada mukunda mOhanO Ananda vrnda gOpikA cakOr canda nanda kE dulArE
antar 3
kOTakAntan lalAma tIn lOknAth shyAm gAvat shruti jAkE nAm bhakata kAntArE
antar 4
tAn mAn sarasvAn bIc bIc madhur gAn srIhari krpAnindhAn danuj mAn hAre
antar 5
gOp rUp durit kUp gaman tAp har pratAp pAp rUp timir rUp srIkalAp nyArE
antar 6
manumangbharE kuranG surnarEs munivihanG mOhan SrIpadmanAbh bhAvsOtumhArE
One can hear the melody of flute on the banks of the beautiful river Jamuna, wherein the company of cowherds dances our dear Lord Krishna.
On his forehead shines the mark of vermilion-like the crescent moon. Krishna the embodiment of grace is adorned with the shining Perl necklace.
The celestial is worshiping the feet of Lord Mukunda, the darling of Nanda, he is to the Gopika's, what the moon is to the bird Cakora.
He shines brilliantly and is the Lord of the three worlds. His glory is sung by Vedas as well as his devotees all over the world.
His glory is praised in the melodious songs amidst the fascinating rhythmic Svaras and beats. He, the compassionate Hari, is the vanquisher of the pride of the Asuras.
Oh, brave Gopala! you are the redeemer of the people who are dejected and miserable. You are the light in the darkness of misery. You are the lord of Sridevi.
Oh, Padmanabha! The hearts of the devotees jump like the deer on hearing the glory of thee. Everyone inclusive of celestials, kings, sages, and Garuda is entranced by the glory.