Tavaka namani

Ragam: Kedaragaula Thalam: Roopakam

Arohanam:S R2 M1 P N2 S
Avarohanam: S N2 D2 P M1 G3 R2 S

tAvaka nAmAni shubhadAni prajapAni

dEva dEva patitO api divyatamAni yAni kEvalamAsvAdya yAdi kEshava param amrtam

caranam 1
vAcamyama maulirapi nUnam yatO hI param vAlmIkiravApa mahimAnam shrI
cakOra sudhAkarA shrta kOmaLa pada jAtA sAca krtirapi tadIyA jayati bhuvanam punatI

caranam 2
alaghu sarva nindya caritEna sadaiva hanta kuTalA samsakta hrdayEna jalajAkSa
satvaram ajAmiLa bhUsurENApi pralapadA yatEkamiha kila mukti rAsAditA

caranam 3
bAla candrashEkharO api kAmam yAnnEva sadA padmanAbha japati gatakAmam
shaila rAjatanUbhavayA sAkamati vimalarucau kailAsAcalE mahati kalitavasatira nisham


Your names are auspicious and chant worthy
Oh Lord of celestials!  Kesava!  Even the wicked ones attain salvation, just by the mention of your divine names.
The continuous utterance of your name, (even invertedly as MA-RA) empowered Valmiki to scripture Ramayana, which, still continues in purifying and flourishing the universe.  This name is to Sita what moon is to the bird Cakora.
Even the brahmin Ajqmila, whose deeds were totally despicable, who indulged with unchaste women, attained salvation just by uttering your name only once, and that too in ignorance.
Lord Balachandrasekhara the Paramasiva abies in the pristine mount Kailasa, in the company of goddess Parvathi the daughter of the mountains, also chant the divine names of Lord Padmanabha, incessantly.