Smarasada manasa

Ragam: Bilahari Thalam: Adi

Arohanam:S R2 G3 P D2 S
Avarohanam: S N3 D2 P M1 G3 R2 S

smara sadA mAnasa bAlagOpAlam

duritamaya dAruNa girikulisham

caranam 1
yadukula tilakam yamijana vinutam parama gua vasatim vAridhi shayanam

caranam 2
sarasija nayanam sAmaja varadam madana janakamiha madhumura daLanam

caranam 3
garuDa turangam kanaka sucElamparama puruSam shrI pankaja nAbham


Oh mind!  always meditate upon Balagopala.
You are like a battle ae in destroying the mountain like miseries.
You are the gem of the Yadu dynasty; worshiped by those who controlled themself; the embodiment of great virtues and reclining on the ocean.
You have lotus-like eyes; protected the king elephant; progenitor of Cupid and annihilator of the demons like Madhu and Mura.
You have Garuda as your vehicle.  You are adorned with golden attires; oh the supreme one! You are Sri Pankjanabjha.