
Ragam: Saveri Thalam: Adi

Arohanam:S R1 M1 P D1 S
Avarohanam: S N3 D1 P M1 G3 R1 S

sAvEriha tanUjA santatam mAmavatu

yAvara hrdayAmbuja krtavAsa bhAvashamala hara pATava yuvata gauri (saveriha tanuja)

svara sahityam
sAhasika mada dAraNA pada sArasa natajana sAra shubha karaNa sAdara ruciraha
sAmara gaNanuta sAdhu caritavara sAmaja gatirari sAdana paruSara sA hrdi virahatu (sAvEriha tanUjA)

dArADhara cigurA

svara sahityams 1
dAruNa samara sAyutApada

svara sahityams 2
pAda dalita mahiSAkhila munijana sEvya tamA bhuja pari hasitapisA  (dArADhara)

svara sahityams 3
mAra vimata hara dayitata mA bhrta rasa muni samudaya mAnita vimala suguNa paramA varadhAna caNA bhuvi  (dArADhara)

svara sahityams 4
sArasa bhava sura parivrDha sAtada mrdu caraNA drta
sAdhu lOkata tirENa shApanaya nAsatAdishatu mama bahudhA
cAru dEha sukhADikam dayayAmudApica mAkAkhila
kaluSa nikaramapi shamayatu dinamanu sA pAvanIshu sAhasa

dhArAdhara cigurA tApa shamana caturA vArija nAbhAnujA cAru mauktikahAra  (sAvEriha tanUjA)


Oh, Goddess Parvathi!  Please protect me always.
You dwell in the lotus hearts of eminent sages.  You are Gauri, who is skillful in destroying the evils of existence.
You are ruthless in subduing the cruel and proud ones.  You bestow good fortune on all those who worship your lotus feet.  You have the glory of being worshiped by a host of celestials with great reverence and joy. Your gait is like that of a King elephant.  Your presence weakens the enemies.  Please dwell in my heart.
You possess rich tresses like dark clouds.
You sport fierce and formidable weapons
You destroyed the demons like Mahisa and are worshiped by all sages.  Your innumerable hands pervade everywhere.
You are the consort of Siva who subdued the pride of Cupid;  the sagacious sages, who have conquered ignorance hold you in great esteem. Oh, supreme one with pure and noble virtues!  You are adept at bestowing boons.
You, the one who is surrounded by Brahma,  and other celestials and whose tender feet are held in high esteem by a host of ascetics;  do grace me with a glance from your doe-like eyes.  Your form is exquisitely beautiful. Please destroy all my miseries and relieve me of my sorrows.  Oh, the immaculate one!  Oh Goddess with rich tresses like dark clouds, you are adept in dispelling all difficulties.  Oh, sister of Varijanabha!  You are adorned with a gorgeous pearl necklace.