Samodam cintayami
Ragam: Udaya ravi chandrika | Thalam: Misra Chapu |
Arohanam:S G2 M1 P N2 S
Avarohanam: S N2 P M1 G2 S
sAmOdam cintayAmi sarasIruhanAbham
sAmIkara sadrsha cEla rAjitakaTim
caranam 1
mura mukha sakala mahI bhAra nAshanam nirupamatara guNa nikara vAri sImam
durita sama virAmam pUrita natakAmam cAru vadana sOmam dividaLita bhaumam
caranam 2
sAmaja parivrDha santApa vibhanjanam tmarasa bAndhava duhinAmshu nayanam
sama bhuvana pAlam sAhasika gaNakAlam himakara khaNDa phlam kamanIyatara lIlam
caranam 3
syAnanUra nagarI shObhAyamAna gEham mauni nikara cAru mAnasAbja marALam
ghana karuNA nivAsam phaNI rAjatalpa vAsam ghana sadrsha bhAsam mAnanIyam mrduhAsam
Oh, Sarasiruhanabha! With ecstasy, I contemplate on you!
Your waist is adorned with glittering golden attire.
One who diminished the burden of the earth by killing the demons like Mura and others; having the highest order of incomparable good virtues; dispeller of miseries; bestower of boons to those who worship; a face that is charming as the moon and destroyer of the demon Narakasura.
One who dissolved the fear of the elephant; one whose eyes resemble the sun Tamarasabhandhava and the moon Tuhinamsu; savior of the world; destroyer of the terrorists Sahasikagana; having a forehead resembling the crescent moon Himakarakhanda and the one who delights in good deeds.
One who dwells flourishingly in the city of Syanandura; one who is a swan that swims in the lotus heart of wise; personification of deep compassion; one who relaxes on the king of serpents; radiant as the dark clouds and the one who sports a smile which is gentle and honorable.