Nanda nandana jaya

Ragam: Bhairavi Thalam: Adi

Arohanam: S R2 G2 M1 P D2 N2 S
Avarohanam: S N2 D1 P M1 G2 R2 S

nandanandana jaya mukunda!

vrndArakapUjita nigamavallI

bAla bAla nindita mAlamAla tOshita ku
cEla cEladhrta mEkhala bhaktarakshana
lOla lOla manikundala KalakAla nutaguna
jAla JAla paSupa da yAlayAlaya kusEsayanAbha vaNci Bhu pAla pAlana parAsaya


Victory to the child of Nanda.  You are Mukunda and your teeth are like jasmine.  You are worshiped by an assembly of eminent ascetics.  You are the root of the creeper of Vedas.  Your form conquers that of Cupid.
Even as an infant you chided the wicked; you are the delight of Lakshmi;  You delight Kucela.  Your garment is fixed tight with the waistband.  You take pleasure in protecting your devotees.  Your ear pendants are oscillating.  You are worshiped by Siva (Yama of Kala).   You are full of excellence and you protect the cattle.  You are the embodiment of generosity.  You are Padmanabha concerned about ruling the kingdom of Vanci.