Deva Palaya Murare
Ragam: Asaveri | Thalam: Adi |
Arohanam:S R1 M1 P D1 S
Avarohanam: S N2 S P D1 M1 P R1 G2 R1 S
dEva pAlaya murArE dEvakI nandana shaurE dEvarAja sahaja vAsudEva puNya nicaya mAm
tAvakina padanatam tAvakInam tvAm satatam
caranam 1
tAra shObhi manju hAra tArADhipa sAmanana mAravairi cApahara mArakOTi samakAra
sArasadaLa nayana sArasAlaya nAyaka bhUri dukkha samsAra tO bhUri dayayA paripAhi
caranam 2
aNcitakundala bAla bhU shANcita karnayugala! paNcasAyakajanaka! paNcajana nishUdana!
piNchajAlAvatamsaka piNchAyita cArudEha! kiNcirAyasi bhagavan! kiNciddayAmkurumayi
caranam 3
ambarana dIvAsa! pItAmbara dhara gOvinda! kambu kaNTha! kara dhrta kambu vakra lakuTaka!
bimbAdhara rAdhA dhara bimba lOla! gOpavEsha! ambujanAbha! shrI krSNa! ambujAri kula dIpa!
Oh, Lord Murari! Son of Devaki! Sauri! Oh Devarajasahaja-brother of Indra! Sacredson of Vasudeva! Protect me!
I always prostrate at the feet and belong to you forever.
You adorn lovely necklace shining like a star; you have a moon-like face; you broke the bow of Siva-the enemy of Cupid; your form is equal to crores of Cupids; you have louts petal-like eyes you are the consort of Sri Lakhsmi. With endless compassion, redeem me from all the worldly affiliations.
You, adorned with shining earrings on both your ears, are the progenitor of Cupid and destroyer of the demon Pancajana. You ornate with the peacock feather in your head; your lovely form has the hue of the peacock feather, Oh Bhagavan! at least now, show me a little of your grace.
Oh, Govinda! You reside at Ambara river (Ambalappuzha); adorns yellow garments. You have a conch-like neck; you hold in your hand of cudgel curved like a conch. You have lips resembling the Bimba fruit. You enjoy the Bimba-fruit-like lips of Radha; you appear as a cowherd. Oh, Ambujanabha! Sri Krishna! You are the beacon-light of Candrakula!